To me social media is a great marketing strategy but, it can cause some serious damage to some.
 I owned an Instagram account like way in the day when there was the blue icon and the delete option and no stories. Then I reopened one two years ago, I had it for like a MONTH and boy it hurt
Seeing those models with perfect bodies and huge mansions and a room just for their make-up stash and their perfect closets full of designer clothes, all the trips they go to. But the thing that hurt the most and caused my already deteriorating mental state to get worse was the : 1/ À ROOF over their heads, like a LOT take for granted the fact that they own a house, a home where they are the ONLY owners of and no one is there to bother them and that is something
think a lot can relate to, not having the peace of mind of being secure that there's no chance of anyone bothering you there or taking away your peace of mind. 2/ The freedom of being able to go anywhere anytime, being free of the burden of having to take care of EVERYONE but yourself, of having to always consider at least SOMEONE in your plans
Being obliged to follow the whole schooling from preschool to college and then having to find a job to be able to afford only the necessities. Also, because
don't like posting my pictures (
never had my face in social media) so
had nothing to post in it. Finally, I don't understand why all the hype is about, and not just Instagram but all social media in general At first, it was fun with Facebook and all but then it kind of went downhill and it kind of scares me thinking about what it will be in the next five or ten years,
can see the difference between My generation (am 22btw) and the new one and it didn't go for the best. Thank you for reading this late night rant, make sure to COMMENT your thoughts about social media and how it impacts our world as we know it.
