Depression during Quarantine

The past few days have been .. let's just say my worst.
Everywhere I go i see posts about how to improve mental health during Quarantine but almost no one talks about the reasons mental health issues are accumulating.
The fact that both parents are at home with all the children at the same time is the n°1 problem :
You see parents these days have a routine wake-up go to work, go shopping, go do the groceries... SOMETHING!
Now they're at home 24/7 with nothing to do but take care of the house and the kids 
They see now what they didn't before.. kids staying on their phones ALL the time, theirs habits which they may have not known before..
After staying together for so long in a limited space family members tend to talk, have a conversation which lead to giving opinions about certain topics they must've not have had the time to discuss before or may have seen it futile to talk about which may lead to disagreements and so tension between the members of the household.
The change in sleeping pattern or not having one at all leads to irritation and becoming easily upset about random silly things,
When quarantine started people had plans of how to spend the free time they suddenly have, but after weeks or maybe a month or two they get sick of everything, bored, lazy... 
They don't sleep on time, don't wake-up early like before (simce they have literally no obligation to) so they stay up late eating whatever snack they find on their phones doing nothing until sunrise then they take several naps during the day.
This isn't healthy not to the mind nor the body, people must understand that night is for sleeping not stalking celebrities on Instagram or watching a full season of some series online.
For YOU you have a choice to live well and that by sleeping at least 6-7 hours at night, eating well, maybe doing some yoga, go for a walk...
And if you notice someone at home not in the mood or upset about something even silly or irritated do NOT engage in any sort of argument nor cross their path, either go out for a while or just stay away
Staying at home doing nothing isn't bad just for adults, kids and teens are also affected, it doesn't mean you have to take it out on them we're all in this together, and it would be better if we get out of it on good terms.
Thak you for reading, and STAY SAFE.
