Hi again, 
After last night's rant i thought more on really why social media is bad and my conclusion was :
It's not INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE...but the people that make it bad
You see when someone posts a picture of anything there's always someone who will criticise it no matter how good it is.
Also, people not caring about their privacy anymore they only want the money, likes, and followers they gain from these posts 
But some no.. A LOT post their children's pictures... where they are ... What they do.. even intimate stuff that no one should know.
In my opinion this is wrong.. very wrong and there should be laws indicating these types of actions.
Again with the thoughtless posts, the FOOD like seriously! You're posting EVERYTHING you eat?! 
Who wants to see that? I know I don't. 
You try to take the perfect picture in every angle of the plate in front of you until it gets cold JUST so you can post it on SM and tell people you don't even know how good it was?! Am i the only one here who sees this as the weirdest most useless this EVER!
In the end i just wish things were like before as ALWAYS when we had to go OUT to see someone and not talk nonsense on messenger (even tho i unistalled it a week after i used it because it keeps you logged in 24/7 and i can't stand people messaging me about silly things .. but that's an other rant for another day) or when we dove in the food without someone Stopping you when it arrives, or opening the front camera and JUST TAKING THE DAMN PICTURE with no filters, special poses or apps or being afraid of finding it somewhere you don't want to.
